Prayer Request
If you would like to request prayer for yourself, a friend, co-worker, or family member, please call the office at 215-723-5890 or submit this form HERE. All requests are confidential. If you would like to place your request on our monthly, publicly printed congregational list please email us at
Receive Communications
If you would like to sign up to receive communications from the church, please update your information HERE.
We believe that serving greatly impacts one's connection to the church family. We invite you to serve for a season in an area where you have a calling, an interest, or gifting in order to bless our family of families. Fill out the form HERE.
We rely on God to provide the dollars and cents that allow our ministry to continue in obedience to Him. Our church is fully funded by the faithful financial support of those in our congregation who give in accordance with their ability and faith. We are continually amazed by the blessings God bestows on our local church, and we seek to honor Him in how we steward these gifts. Envelopes are available through the church office, a collection box is located at the back of our
sanctuary, and online giving is available. Give HERE.
Contact Us
320 N. Third Street, Telford, PA 18969