Discovery Groups

Every Wednesday until January 27, 2021

6:45pm – 8:15pm

This fall we are launching home groups as an opportunity for you to be discipled in the family of God. These home groups will be called "Discovery Groups." They are different from our two current D3 Families as Discovery Groups will have a short term commitment based on the church calendar and have a two fold purpose of discipleship and fellowship that meet once a week for bible study. Discovery Groups will help you stay closely connected to the family of God and disciple you in your walk with Jesus. Kids are welcome to come to these groups.

Discovery Groups will begin meeting weekly on Wednesdays (starting November 4 for most) and meet (except for holidays) through January. Youth Discovery Groups will meet on Sunday nights.

We will start with the 10 session "Gospel Identity: Discover Who You Really Are." Book cost is $10.

Click here to register.